Videos for Statics


About Anna Howard



Short concept videos are designed to introduce the topics in Statics. These videos which students watch before class average 5.5 minutes in length and each contain one bit of what would typically go in a lecture. During a semester, these videos are embedded inside Moodle with a day-to-day schedule where each day also includes html presentations, daily concept quizzes, daily practice quizzes, and daily practice problems. Each day also includes specific learning objectives for that material as well as samples from old homework problems and sample exam questions. The concept videos are provided here (left column) for students who have left the class and want to review or for students who take Statics in the summer and would not otherwise have access to my videos. Example videos for each day are in the right column.

Day 01:
Flipped Class Introduction Mass is not Weight
How to Succeed in Statics Dimensional Analysis
Branches of Mechanics Change Pounds into Newtons
Steps to Solving an Engineering Problem Rocket Mass and weight on the Moon
Significant Digits
Day 02:
Classification of Forces Adding Two Vectors with the Laws of Sines and Cosines (30 and 25 lb)
Adding Two Vectors using the Law of Sines and Cosines Adding Two Vectors (10 N and 15 N)
Position Vectors Adding Three Vectors Using Cartesian Form
Day 03:
Projections vs. Components Basement Door
Projection of a Force onto a Line
Design Angle
Find the Angle Between Vectors Using Dot Products
Day 04:
FBDs for Particles Minimize the Resultant of Three Vectors
Parabolic Slide and Spring
Day 05:
Equilibrium of a Particle in Two Dimensions Crate and Ball on Hill
Traffic Light
Particle Equilibrium with Spring #1
Particle Equilibrium with Spring #2
Day 06:
Position Vector Unit Vector Multiply – Three Dimensions Direction Cosines to Cartesian Form #1
Vectors in Three Dimensions – Magnitude and Direction Direction Cosines to Cartesian Form #2
Equilibrium of a Particle in Three Dimensions Three Dimensional Particle Equilibrium #1
Day 07:
Three Dimensional Particle Equilibrium #2
Three Dimensional Particle Equilibrium #3
Collars on Smooth Rods
Day 08:
Moment – Basics
Moment of a Force at a Point
Day 09: Exam 1


Day 10:
Applied Moments, Couples
Reaction Moments
Moment along an Axis
Day 11:
Law of the Lever
Equivalent Systems
FBDs for a Rigid Body in Two Dimensions
Day 12:
Day 13:
Equilibrium in Two Dimensions for a Rigid Body
Day 14:
Day 15:
Moments in 3D
Moments in 3D Example 1
Moments in 3D Example 2
Day 16:
FBDs for a Rigid Body in Three Dimensions
Day 17:
Three-Dimensional Rigid Body Equilibrium using a Chart
Day 18:
Friction Introduction
Friction Steps
Day 19:
Day 20:
Friction Wedges
Day 21:
Friction Belts
Rolling Resistance
Experimental Rolling Resistance
Day 22:
Day 23: Exam 2


Day 24:
Distributed Loads
Centroids Introduction
Centroids One Formula
Centroids by Integration
Day 25:
Centroid by Integration with Identical dA 
Centroids with Polar Coordinates
Centroids by Composite Bodies
Day 26:
Bodies of Revolution
Day 27:
Area Moments of Inertia
Day 28:
Moment of Inertia with Identical dA
Polar Moment of Inertia
Product of Inertia
Mass Moments of Inertia 1
Mass Moments of Inertia 2
Mass Moments of Inertia 3
Day 29:
Water Pressure Introduction
Fluid Pressure Applications
Day 30:
Day 31:
Day 32: Midterm Exam 3


Day 33:
Planar Trusses
Zero Force Members
Day 34:
Statically Indeterminate Truss 
Space Trusses
Day 35:
Trusses by the Method of Sections 
Frames and Machines
Day 36:
Day 37:
Day 38:
Internal Loads
Shear and Bending-Moment Diagrams by Definition
Day 39:
Shear and Bending-Moment Diagrams by Definition
Day 40:
Shear and Bending-Moment Diagrams by Graphical Construction
Day 41: